Jun 102021
 June 10, 2021  Posted by at 11:44 am Uncategorized

With the cancellation of the June meeting, there is no General Session for me to provide a report on the Executive Board meeting so I am providing the report through the News feature.

The Executive Board meet for 3 hours on June 9, 2021. The Board took the following actions during the meeting:

  • Approved the FY 2022 budget.
  • Approved the appointment of 9 members to technical committees.
  • Approved the new GMI vice-chair.
  • Created a new Budget Committee and approved the appointment of six members to the committee.
  • Approved four members to serve on the Nominating Committee.
  • Approved the concept of the NCUTCD publishing two documents on the website: Recommendations for Rules of the Road and the NCUTCD Journal on TCD Research.
  • Heard reports regarding or from:
    • Sponsor contributions.
    • Membership (we now have 331 total members).
    • Treasurer.
    • Research Committee.
    • Edit Committee.
    • CAV Joint Task Force.
    • Webmaster and Database.
    • Honorary Member Selection Committee.
    • Bylaws and Operating Procedures Update Committee.

The Board agreed that it would meet before the January meeting to discuss general issues of importance to the NCUTCD.

Mar 022021
 March 2, 2021  Posted by at 8:30 am Uncategorized

I have posted below the agenda that we will use for all virtual Council sessions held between now and the June meeting to process docket comments for the MUTCD NPA.  Specific content for individual sessions will be identified to Council Members and Associate Members in advance of the sessions.

  1. Call to Order: Gene Hawkins, NCUTCD Chair
  2. Roll Call of Delegates: Richard Moeur, Executive Secretary
  3. Updates and Comments from Chair
  4. Technical Committee Reports (order subject to change):
    1. RW Signs Committee: Tom Heydel, chair
    2. GMI Signs Committee: Tom Honich, chair
    3. Markings Committee: Jody Colvin, chair
    4. Signals Committee: John Fisher, chair
    5. Temporary Traffic Control Committee: John Leonard, chair
    6. RRLRT Committee: Rick Campbell, chair
    7. Bicycle Committee: Bill DeSantis, chair
  5. Other Business
  6. Recess
Jan 112021
 January 11, 2021  Posted by at 8:19 am Uncategorized

During our meetings this month, we will have a lot of people that are logging into our Zoom meetings.  When you log in, make sure that your ID shows both your first and last name.  Order is not critical, it can be first and last or last and first.  Participants that show only a phone number will be disconnected early in the meeting.  Participants who do not show both first and last name will be disconnected next.  We will be checking participants names against the registration list and disconnecting those names that are not on the list as well.  Thank you for your attention to this detail.  Gene

Jan 082021
 January 8, 2021  Posted by at 5:32 pm Uncategorized

Our Webmaster, Marc Jacobson, has set up a News tab on our website so that the Chair and Executive Secretary can share information quickly.  Given how many meetings we are holding this month and the number of issues associated with the NPA, the News tab will be the primary means of sharing information with our members and friends.  Check this page often as we will not be sharing all of this information through email.