Mar 022021
March 2, 2021
I have posted below the agenda that we will use for all virtual Council sessions held between now and the June meeting to process docket comments for the MUTCD NPA. Specific content for individual sessions will be identified to Council Members and Associate Members in advance of the sessions.
- Call to Order: Gene Hawkins, NCUTCD Chair
- Roll Call of Delegates: Richard Moeur, Executive Secretary
- Updates and Comments from Chair
- Technical Committee Reports (order subject to change):
- RW Signs Committee: Tom Heydel, chair
- GMI Signs Committee: Tom Honich, chair
- Markings Committee: Jody Colvin, chair
- Signals Committee: John Fisher, chair
- Temporary Traffic Control Committee: John Leonard, chair
- RRLRT Committee: Rick Campbell, chair
- Bicycle Committee: Bill DeSantis, chair
- Other Business
- Recess