From the Chair


Chair’s Message


  • Chair’s Message #3: July 8, 2024: 2024 Midyear Meeting, Between Midyear and Annual Meetings, 2025 Annual Meeting, Leadership Transitions, Parliamentary Procedure, and 2025 Midyear Meeting.
  • Chair’s Message #2: June 5, 2024: 2024 Midyear Meeting, Proposed Changes, Length of Friday General Session, ARTBA CTE-NCUTCD Reception, Bylaws and Operating Procedures, NCUTCD Survey, Leadership Meeting with FHWA, NCUTCD Leadership Changes, Formatting Proposed Changes, and Joint Task Force Enhancements.
  • Chair’s Message #1: January 16, 2024: Officer Election, Bylaws and Operating Procedures, Resolutions, Short and Long Term Review of New MUTCD, MUTCD Future, Terminology, and Dick Luettich Memories.



  • Chair’s Message #5: December 21, 2023: New MUTCD Initial Response, NCUTCD Review Actions, Links to Related Documents, New Edition Name, and MUTCD Final Rule Pool
  • Chair’s Message #4: December 4, 2023:  Remembering Dick Luettich, 2023 MUTCD Final Rule, NCUTCD Review of Final Rule and Potential Council Action, Examples of Objectionable Final Rule Content, MUTCD Final Rule FAQ, NCUTCD Action on New MUTCD After the Initial 30-Day Period, MUTCD Final Rule Pool, 2024 Annual Meeting, NCUTCD Elections, Revisions of Bylaws and Operating Procedures, PROWAG, and 2024 Midyear Meeting
  • Chair’s Message #3: July 19, 2023:  Midyear Meeting Summary, MUTCD Rulemaking, Final Rule Pool, PROWAG Rulemaking, Bylaws/Operating Procedures Update, Proposed Changes to MUTCD, Elections and Reappointments, and Future NCUTCD Meetings
  • Chair’s Message #2: May 22, 2023:  11th Edition MUTCD, June 2023 Meeting, Bylaws and Operating Procedures Update: Related Terminology, In Memoriam: Jim Pline, Jim Sparks, Special Recognition, Future NCUTCD Meetings
  • Chair’s Message #1: January 31, 2023:  Tom Hicks, January 2023 Meeting, June 2023 Meeting, Future NCUTCD Meetings, Bylaws and Operating Procedures Revision, MUTCD 11th Edition Final Rule, Leadership Transitions, NCUTCD Contact Information, and Final Rule Pool


  • Chair’s Message #3: November 28, 2022: January 2023 Meeting, MUTCD 11th Edition Final Rule, Final Rule Pool, June 2023 Meeting, June 2024 Meeting, NCUTCD Strategic Plan, NCUTCD Merchandise
  • Chair’s Message #2: July 12, 2022:  June 2022 Meeting Review, Newest Honorary Member, MCUTCD 11th Edition Final Rule, Final Rule Pool, MUTCD 12th Edition Planning, January 2023 and June 2023 Meeting Previews, NCUTCD TCD Research Journal, NCUTCD Leadership News, Communication with Chair, and NCUTCD Merchandise.
  • Chair’s Message #1: March 28, 2022:  January Meeting Review, NCUTCD Election Results, Rules of the Road Activity, 12th Edition Planning, Future Meeting Plans, NCUTCD TCD Research Journal, MUTCD Status: 11th Edition and Beyond.





Gene Hawkins 10 Thoughts for the NCUTCD

  • Hawkins Ten Thoughts: Information I distributed to NCUTCD members regarding my thoughts and goals as the new chair of the NCUTCD.
Revised 07/08/2024