Technical Committees


The bulk of the work of the NCUTCD takes place in eight Technical Committees:​

Members and Associate Members, appointed by sponsors, serve on the technical committees.  In addition, well-qualified individuals serve on the technical committees as “Technical Members.”  These Technical Members serve as voting members of individual technical committees, but they do not have the right to vote in the Council or to hold office in the NCUTCD.

The chairs of the technical committees as of June 2024​ are as follows:

RW Signs Erika Lindeberg
GMI Signs Jason Hyatt​
Markings Paul Carlson
Signals John Hibbard
TTC Neil Boudreau
RRLRT John Dinning
Bicycle Bill DeSantis
Research Bryan Katz


Qualifications: The NCUTCD is continually looking for well-qualified individuals to serve on its Technical Committees.  What is expected of a Technical Member?  A member is expected to serve actively on a Technical Committee as described below.

  1. Attend the meetings of the NCUTCD. The Committee holds two three-day meetings each year normally beginning on Wednesday and concluding on Friday.  The winter meeting is held in the Washington, DC area in January on the Wednesday to Friday preceding the Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting.  The location of the summer meeting rotates around the United States and is normally held in conjunction with the AASHTO Traffic Engineering Subcommittee meeting.  This is usually in June.
  2. Serve on and participate actively in Technical Committee Task Forces.
  3. Actively correspond by mail, phone, fax or e-mail between NCUTCD meetings.

How to Apply for Technical Membership:Those interested in being appointed as a technical member should attend a NCUTCD meeting as a visitor and sit in on one or more technical committee(s).  Visitors are welcome to attend technical committee meetings as space permits.  After determining that you have the qualifications and desire to contribute to the work of a particular committee and talking to the technical committee chair, you should fill out the official form and send it to the NCUTCD Executive Secretary. After determining that there is a vacancy on the committee, the form is sent to the technical committee chair and, if approved by the chair, is then considered at the next meeting of the Executive Board.  If approved by the board, the applicant then becomes a Technical Member immediately. Click here for more information about joining the NCUTCD.

Revised 01/25/2025