Jun 102024
 June 10, 2024  Posted by at 9:38 am Front Page

On June 7, 2024, the FHWA posted the first release of the Standard Highway Signs.  The first release provides details for new warning signs.  It includes both PDF files and vector graphics.  The new files are available on the Standard Highway Signs page of the FHWA MUTCD website.   FHWA says that they will continue to issue Standard Highway Sign releases as more are developed.

Jun 172021
 June 17, 2021  Posted by at 1:15 pm Front Page

The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has published the 6th edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada.  You can learn more about the new edition on their website.  Cost of the new manual is $750 (Canadian dollars) for individuals who are not TAC members, which is a little over $600 in US currency at today’s exchange rate.

Man thanks to Scott Wainwright for alerting us to the availability of this new edition.

May 192021
 May 19, 2021  Posted by at 9:49 am Front Page, Spring 2021 - NPA

All of the NCUTCD docket submissions are now posted on the docket.  The docket number for each chapter is listed in the attached file along with a link to that submission on the docket.  A quick look at the list shows that a few of our submissions have a docket number that is approaching 13,000, which gives you a sense of how many submissions there were to the docket.  The docket is currently closed to additional submissions. 

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their hard work to prepare the comments.  I also want to thank the many members who I see have submitted their own personal comments to the docket.