Sponsor Comments to Technical Committees and Joint Task Forces Recommendations


Sponsors have responded to the NCUTCD Technical Committees and Joint Task Forces recommendations with comments which will be considered by the NCUTCD Council at the Annual Meeting in January 2025.

Click on the Technical Committee/Joint Task Force Recommendations to see the recommendations made by the Technical Committee or Joint Task Force and on the Sponsor Comments link to see the comments by the various sponsors.

​Technical Committee/Joint Task Force Recommendations:

A total of 914 comments were received from sponsors and they are included as follows:​

Sponsor Comments is an Excel spreadsheet containing all of the comments.  When you open this file, notice the tabs on the bottom.  It is suggested that users begin by reading the READ ME tab on the spreadsheet.  The Vote tab provides a tabulation of the sponsor comments and the other tabs show all of the comments.

Revised 10/29/2024