Jan 112021
January 11, 2021
January 2021
Keep the following in mind when logging into your technical committee meeting:
- Click on the link in the confirmation email sent to you from Richard Moeur through Cvent.
- On the next screen, you should see a screen asking you to sign in to the Zoom service with your e-mail address and password. The password in this case is the password for the Zoom account you have, not the 6-digit session password in the confirmation email.
- Repeating: Do not enter the 6-digit session password in the password field on the Zoom “Sign In” screen. Use your Zoom account password.
- Another option is to log into your Zoom account prior to clicking on the link in the confirmation email.
- If the email and password are correct, you will be admitted to a waiting room where you will see a screen with a message indicating you will be admitted soon. The chair (or other co-host) will admit you as soon as they can. If you have logged in after the meeting has started and the chair is busy managing the meeting, it may take a little longer to be admitted. If you have been in the waiting room for more than 5 minutes and are a member of that technical committee, send an email to your technical committee listserve.
- Once you are logged into your technical committee meeting in Zoom, you need to make sure that both your first and last name show on the participant list. Once in the meeting, you can rename yourself. There are two ways to do this:
- Click on the three dots in your video image and select “Rename.”
- Find your name in the list of participants, select it, click the “More” link, then select “Rename.”
- This link from Zoom provides more information about how to join a Zoom meeting: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting.