Meeting Summary - June 2016
Council Meeting Summary
Thursday, June 9, 2016
- Attach. No. 1: New Technical Members Approved
- Attach. No. 2: 15A-EC-01 - Site Roadways Open to Public Travel (SROPT)
- Attach. No. 3: NCUTCD Resolution on Docket Comment Period for SNPA on Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity
- Attach. No. 4: Recommended IA: Bicycle Box
- Attach. No. 5: Recommended IA: Two-Stage-Turn Queuing Box
- Attach. No. 6: Recommended IA: Turning Vehicles Yield to Bicycles Sign
Friday, June 10, 2016
- Attach. No. 1: 16A-RW-01 - Parking Signs
- Attach. No. 2: Recommended IA: Table 2C-5 - Selection of Horizontal Alignment Traffic Control Signs
- Attach. No. 3: Recommended IA: Advance Traffic Control Signs
- Attach. No. 4: Recommended IA: Optional Applications of Pavement Markings and Delineators and Rumble Strip Markings in Combination with Horizontal Curve Warning Signing
- Attach. No. 5: Recommended IA: Speed Differential for Horizontal Alignment Sign Selection - Table 2C-5
- Attach. No. 6: Recommended IA: Selecting Type of Traffic Control for Unsignalized Intersections
- Attach. No. 7: Recommended IA: Intersection Conflict Warning Systems
- Attach. No. 8: Recommended IA: LED Sign Applications
- Attach. No. 9: Recommended IA: DO NOT ENTER/WRONG WAY Signing
- Attach. No. 10: Recommended IA: Visual Assessment Method - Maintaining Minimum Retroreflectivity, Section 2A.08
- Attach. No. 11: Recommended IA: Table 2A-3, and Section 2A.08 - Added sheeting types - Minimum Maintained Retroreflectivity Levels
- Attach. No. 12: Recommended IA: Higher Fines Signs and Plaques
- Attach. No. 13: Recommended IA: Use of the School Crossing Assembly on an Aapproach Controlled by a YIELD Sign
- Attach. No. 14: Recommended IA: In- Street Pedestrian signs (R1-6, R1-6a), Overhead Pedestrian Crossing Signs (R1-9 and R1-9a) and In-Street Schoolchildren Crossing (R1-6b, R1-6c sign).
- Attach. No. 15: Recommended IA: Electrical Vehicle (EV) Signs
- Attach. No. 16: 16A-GMI-01 - National Toll Interoperability Symbol
- Attach. No. 17: Recommended IA: Guide Signs for Option Lanes
- Attach. No. 18: Recommended IA: Size of Arrows for Overhead Arrow-per-lane Arrows
- Attach. No. 19: Recommended IA: Hurricane Symbol Sign
- Attach. No. 20: Recommended IA: Busway Grade Crossings
- Attach. No. 21: Recommended IA: Definitions Related to Busways
- Attach. No. 22: Recommended IA: Crosswalk Markings
- Attach. No. 23: Recommended IA: Colored Pavements
- Attach. No. 24: Recommended IA: Arrow and Edge Line Markings at Highway-Rail and Light Rail Transit Grade Crossings
- Attach. No. 25: Recommended IA: Edge Line Markings at Highway-Rail and Light Rail Transit Grade Crossings
- Attach. No. 26: Recommended IA: Signals Warrant 7 - Crash Experience
- Attach. No. 27: Recommended IA: Bicycle Signal Faces
- Attach. No. 28: Recommended IA: Pedestrian Channelizing Device
- Attach. No. 29: Recommended IA: Figures 6H.22, 6H.24, and 6H.25
- Attach. No. 30: Recommended IA: Section 6C.13 Pilot Car Method of One-Lane, Two-Way Traffic Control
- Attach. No. 31: 16A-TTC-01 - Pedestrian Channelizing Device - Figure Change
Note: All recommended changes to the NCUTCD made prior to January 2024 were rescinded by the NCUTCD Council on January 12, 2024.