Meeting Summary - June 2005
Council Meeting Summary
Thursday, June 23, 2005
- Attach. No. 1: New Technical Members Approved
- Attach. No. 2: Canadian National Committee Update (TOMSC)
- Attach. No. 3: Task Force Report on TCDs on Private Property
- Attach. No. 4: Proposed Amendments to NCUTCD Bylaws
- Attach. No. 5: 05A-RW-02 - Warning Sign Shapes, Sections 2C.03, 2C.13, 2C.21, and 2C.39
Friday, June 24, 2005
- Attach. No. 1: 05A-STC-01 - Accessible Pedestrian Signas and Emergency Vehicle Access
- Attach. No. 2: 05A-MKG-01 - Crosswalk Markings and Pedestrian Islands and Medians
- Attach. No. 3: RW Technical Committee Report
- Attach. No. 4: 05A-RR-01 - Crossbuck Sign
- Attach. No. 5: 05A-RR-02 - LRT Approaching-Activated Blank-Out Sign
- Attach. No. 6: 05A-TTC-01 - Border Patrol Checkpoints Guidelines
Note: All recommended changes to the NCUTCD made prior to January 2024 were rescinded by the NCUTCD Council on January 12, 2024.