Meeting Summary - June 2013
Council Meeting Summary
Thursday, June 27, 2013
- Attach. No. 1: New Technical Members Approved
- Attach. No. 2: 13A-RW-07 - In- Street Pedestrian signs (R1-6, R1-6a), Overhead Pedestrian Crossing Signs (R1-9 and R1-9a) and In-Street Schoolchildren Crossing (R1-6b, R1-6c sign).
- Attach. No. 3: 13A-RW-08 - Optional Applications of Pavement Markings and Delineators and Rumble Strip Markings in Combination with Horizontal Curve Warning Signing
Friday, June 28, 2013
- Attach. No. 1: 13A-RW-09 - DO NOT ENTER/WRONG WAY Signing
- Attach. No. 2: 12B-RR-02 - Proposed Changes and Additions to Pathway Grade Crossings and Related Sections
- Attach. No. 3: 12B-STC-02 - Shortening or Omitting a Pedestrian Change Interval when Transitioning into Preemption
- Attach. No. 4: 13B-TTC-01 - Figure 6H-28 - Typical Application 28 Sidewalk Detour or Diversion
- Attach. No. 5: 13A-BIK-01 - Section 6G-05 and Section 6H-01
- Attach. No. 6: Pedestrian Task Force Meeting Summary
Note: All recommended changes to the NCUTCD made prior to January 2024 were rescinded by the NCUTCD Council on January 12, 2024.