Meeting Summary - January 2012
Council Meeting Summary
Thursday, January 19, 2012
- Attach. No. 1: New Technical Committee Members Approved
- Attach. No. 2: Edit Committee Report
- Attach. No. 3: 11B-RW-01 - Signalized Intersection Signing
- Attach. No. 4: 11B-RW-02 - Section 2C.62 NEW Plaque (W16-15p)
- Attach. No. 5: 11B-RW-03 - Section 2C.47 Two-Direction Large Arrow Sign (W1-7)
- Attach. No. 6: 11B-RW-04 - Design of Parking Signs R7-21 and R7-21a
- Attach. No. 7: 11B-RW-05 - Variable Speed Limit Sign Spacing and Locations
- Attach. No. 8: 11B-RW-06 - Edits to Section 2C
- Attach. No. 9: 11B-RW-07 - Vertical Clearance of Preferential Lane Signs and Overhead Signing for Preferential Lanes
- Attach. No. 10: 11B-RW-08 - Large Animal, Snowmobile and Horse Drawn Vehicle Signs
- Attach. No. 11: 12A-MKG-01 - Section 3H.01 Channelizing Devices
- Attach. No. 12: 12A-MKG-02 - 3B.18 Crosswalk Markings
Friday, January 20, 2012
Note: All recommended changes to the NCUTCD made prior to January 2024 were rescinded by the NCUTCD Council on January 12, 2024.